「小小漢語普及愛教育基金」於2022年成立,並在 2023 成為慈善機構, 積極推行漢語及中華文化推廣,鑒於不少基層幼稚園缺乏普通話學習機會(一星期只有25分鐘普通話堂),對於我們提供的服務日益需求增加,小小漢語普及愛教育基金以教學及慈善工作經驗和無比熱誠,期望集思廣益,透過非牟利方式集合更多同願同心義工及慈善工作者為社會服務作出貢獻 。
Mindful Mandarins Foundation was founded in 2022 and registered as a charity organization in 2023, in the aim of promoting Chinese Language and culture, with an understanding that many underpriviledged kindergartens only offer 25 mins a week of mandarin classes , we hope to serve more people in need in this area. The mission and vision is to provide the same opportunity to the less priviledged , to inspire love of learning amd curiosity about the world around them. We aim to broaden their horizons and provide them with valuable language skills that will benefit them in the future. By promoting language education and cultural diversity, we can help to break down barriers and build a more inclusive and harmonious society for all.