「普及漢文化 童心創未來」先導計劃
「普及漢文化 童心創未來」先導計劃
「普及漢文化 童心創未來」先導計劃
「普及漢文化 童心創未來」先導計劃
2017年暑假小小漢語應仁愛堂的邀請,參與他們第二屆『名師出高徒計劃』, 為中學生提供工作學習經驗。
Mindful Mandarins welcomed some high school students to do work experience as part of an internship program organized by Yan Oi Tong (July 2017)
與聖雅各福群會的慈善二手服裝店“Green Ladies”合作,把我們的中心裝飾成服裝店。讓同學們學習之餘,更邀請同學們的家長到場一起一嚐實體店滋味“小小店長”,把他們的普通話溶入實際練習與實淺中。
Charity crossover with St. James Settlement second hand clothes store called “Green Ladies”. We decorated our centre as clothing store as part of our “Fashion Store” theme, and at the end of the module, we invited families to go to their actual store to do role play as shop keeper and put their Mandarin into real practice.
與荃灣社區中心為區內基層家庭的孩子提供義教暑期課程。更與一些英語教育中心合作,為迎接新學年的學生們提供課堂,讓他們為新學年做好準備 。
Charity crossover with a community centre in Tsuen Wan offering summer classes for their children, mainly from low income families. We teamed up with an English education centre to provide a fun yet useful learning experience to help children be prepared for the coming school year.